It is hoped that this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page will answer most of
your questions. (Click on the heading above which your question is asked)
The origins of Mobile Gabriel
- When did Mobile Gabriel come into existence, and why?
- Why is it called Mobile Gabriel?
Updating of Mobile Gabriel
- How often is Mobile Gabriel updated?
- Who is responsible for Mobile Gabriel?
Technical questions concerning Mobile Gabriel
- How do I add Mobile Gabriel to my PDA?
- How much space will I need for Mobile Gabriel on my PDA?
- Is a Spanish version of Mobile Gabriel available?
- Is there a website dedicated to Mobile Gabriel?
- What liturgical calendar is used?
- What translation of the scriptures does Mobile Gabriel use?
Support for Mobile Gabriel
- How can I support the efforts of Mobile Gabriel?
Other frequently asked questions:
- How large is the Mobile Gabriel community?
- Is there a Catholic version of the Bible for my PDA?
- May I use Mobile Gabriel on my PDA at Mass?