It is hoped that this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page will answer most of your questions.  (Click on the heading above which your question is asked)

The origins of Mobile Gabriel

  1. When did Mobile Gabriel come into existence, and why?
  2. Why is it called Mobile Gabriel?

Updating of Mobile Gabriel

  1. How often is Mobile Gabriel updated?
  2. Who is responsible for Mobile Gabriel?

Technical questions concerning Mobile Gabriel

  1. How do I add Mobile Gabriel to my PDA?
  2. How much space will I need for Mobile Gabriel on my PDA?
  3. Is a Spanish version of Mobile Gabriel available?
  4. Is there a website dedicated to Mobile Gabriel?
  5. What liturgical calendar is used?
  6. What translation of the scriptures does Mobile Gabriel use?

Support for Mobile Gabriel

  1. How can I support the efforts of Mobile Gabriel?

Other frequently asked questions:

  1. How large is the Mobile Gabriel community?

    Each month, the Mobile Gabriel website receives nearly 500,000 hits from users.
    For communicative purposes, there is a Mobile Gabriel users-group on Yahoo groups.  Should you wish to become a member of this group, log on at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MobileGabriel .
    There is also a petition prayer on Mobile Gabriel's Facebook page.

  1. Is there a Catholic version of the Bible for my PDA?

    Laridian Electronic Publishing (www.laridian.com) has a bible program for each of these mobile platforms. For the Pocket PC, the program is called PocketBible®. For the Palm OS, it is called "My Bible." Please be aware of this important note from their website: "Note that the New American Standard Bible is not to be confused with the New American Bible used by Catholics. Users who prefer a Catholic Bible might be interested in our New Revised Standard Version, which includes those books commonly known as the Apocryphal or Deuterocanonical books." (Note that this New Revised Standard Version is available only for the Pocket PC).
    A Catholic Bible Program is also now available from Olive Tree (www.olivetree.com) for both the Palm OS and Pocket PC devices. From their website:  "

    We are pleased to be able to offer the New American Bible - Catholic (NAB). This version will be a welcome addition to those who have been looking for a Catholic Bible. The text includes all prefaces, introductions, and notes. Available for both Palm OS® and Pocket PC platforms."
"The text of the books contained in The New American Bible is a completely new translation throughout. From the original and the oldest available texts of the sacred books, it aims to convey as directly as possible the thought and individual style of the inspired writers. The better understanding of Hebrew and Greek, and the steady development of the science of textual criticism, the fruit of patient study since the time of St. Jerome, have allowed the translators and editors in their use of all available materials to approach more closely than ever before the sense of what the sacred authors actually wrote."

  1. May I use Mobile Gabriel on my PDA at Mass?
    Several users have written to say they do this, and I don't see a problem with it, especially if your parish does not provide missalettes. However, it may be better to read the Scriptures before Mass and to simply listen to them being proclaimed during the liturgy. And be warned that you will probably get some strange looks from people around you who think you are playing games when you should be praying!